What Is Bootcamp?

We blend strength training, circuit training, HIIT, and bootcamp-style workouts into one powerful session—led by former British Military Fitness Coaches. Operating across multiple environments—indoors and out—our no-nonsense approach forges real-world strength, resilience, and camaraderie. Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned athlete, these team-driven sessions challenge you physically and mentally, pushing you to exceed your own limits.

All abilities welcome

45 - 60 minute workout

Range of Session Types


Bootcamp sessions have become very popular in recent years, and with very good reason. Some of the most impressive benefits of our Bootcamp sessions include:

Calorie burn.

Bootcamp sessions will get your heart rate rising and calories burning. Members will generally burn between 600-1000 calories per session.

Improved strength.

Utilising a range of bodyweight and equipment based exercises, you will become stronger and increase muscle mass with these classes.

Confidence boost.

Improving your fitness and interacting with other positive likeminded people will help increase your self esteem and boost your confidence.


Improved cardiovascular health.

Not only will you build strength and muscle but you’ll also improve your endurance, stamina and aerobic fitness levels.

Stronger mindset.

We will challenge you both physically and mentally. This will help build your mental resilience and confidence to push yourself during our workouts.

Better co-ordination and balance.

An often overlooked component of fitness, you will be able to move better and faster by improving your motor skills, agility and balance.



Sign up today and kickstart your fitness.